About us


VISIT FOR YOU travel around France and abroad to give support to busy heads of small and medium-sized companies.

In tune with your operational needs, we propose occasional or regular assignments to visit your business partners, identify the best supplier opportunities on-site and ensure a physical link with your most geographically distant contacts.


A regular physical presence alongside your partners

Our idea began after we observed that managers and CEOs of small and medium-sized companies really need to save time and concentrate on their core business in order to in order to ensure repeat orders and safeguard relationships with the main players in their sector.

To negotiate the current public health situation, increased digitisation, the development of remote working and the revolution of skills, VISIT FOR YOU teams can offer heads of small and medium-sized companies a regular face-to-face presence with their partners and a constantly updated view of their environment.

VISIT FOR YOU travels around France and abroad to give support to busy heads of small and medium-sized companies. Thanks to our on-site teams, we propose occasional or regular assignments to visit your business partners, identify the best supplier opportunities on-site and ensure a physical link with your outlying contacts.

In tune with your local operational needs, we can ensure you get a responsive close-up view of your outlying professional environment: a personalised follow-up and detailed reports for up-to-date managing of your ecosystem.

We propose outsourcing and optimising your time-consuming business trips.

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Visits, Sourcing & Wellness consulting:
two types of intervention to support you

This is how our concept is unique.
VISIT FOR YOU proposes 2 types of intervention to support you in your development:

  • either using a permanent member of VISIT FOR YOU
  • or using a local, skilled contact, enabling you to develop a reciprocal relationship.

To complete this unique concept, we will soon be communicating with you directly via our website for all exchanges of information and documents.

In the meantime, stay in touch via our Linked-In page.
We will inform you regularly about the locations of our upcoming assignments, in order to suggest new opportunities or regroup potential future assignments, while guaranteeing complete confidentiality.


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Save time and concentrate
on your core business

We will not only take care of time-consuming, tiring assignments and work trips but we will also take charge of the organisation of your trips (reservations)

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Reduce your business travel costs

And also reduce your carbon footprint, either using local contacts, or by allowing us to group together several assignments

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Strengthen and safeguard your relationships…

avec les parties prenantes à votre activité et maîtrisez les risques (respect contractuel, risque d’image, etc)

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Improve insight, flexibility and reactivity

The VISIT FOR YOU assignments serve as an intermediary stage which is receptive and less expensive than an audit

An innovative approach:
our Cooperative Platform

We will inform you about where we already have assignments taking place and will suggest new opportunities to you

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How we work

Permanent members

  • Initial contact
  • Definition of aims and content of the assignment
  • Organisation and follow-up of assignment
  • Report and diagnosis
  • Regular notifications sent to our clients about our upcoming trips to suggest opportunities for new assignments

RESOURCE persons

Carrying out assignments in coordination with your contact person and VISIT FOR YOU Permanent Member

To recruit these resource persons, VISIT FOR YOU uses several networks:

  • The VISIT FOR YOU network
  • International consultants from chambers of commerce, Team France Export etc.
  • Associations for partners of ex-pats
  • Junior Entreprises in France and abroad

Our partners


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Share development costs for small businesses in France and abroad

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Reduce carbon footprint of small businesses by grouping together assignments (with total confidentiality) and by calling upon local on-site resource persons

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Promote the employment of local qualified or skilled people (young graduates, jobseekers, students, ex-pat wives and partners, independent professions)

Our range of skills


Nous vous assistons lors de salons internationaux grâce à la mise à disposition d’expatriés hautement qualifiés. Ces derniers, forts de leur multiculturalité et de leur maîtrise de plusieurs langues, dont la langue locale, sont un atout incontestable pour vous.


Conformément à votre cahier des charges, nous pouvons identifier, contacter et évaluer de nouveaux fournisseurs ou sous-traitants potentiels.
La visite de salons professionnels est une possibilité intéressante également. Ces prestations peuvent intervenir en complément d’une mission de visite de vos actuels fournisseurs.





Grâce à nos missions de Visites, nous vous apportons un témoignage concret et visuel : le constat d’une situation, une confirmation ou un démenti, une levée de doute. Nous vous proposons de collecter diverses données (photos, vidéos, chiffres, échantillons, documentation…).
Nos missions de Visites vous permettent également de créer ou maintenir du lien humain avec vos contacts les plus éloignés.


En accord avec vos attentes, nous sommes en mesure de réaliser des missions de collecte d’informations, directement sur le terrain, dans le pays cible de votre choix. Nous pouvons collecter des prix, réaliser des études de marché, ainsi que la mise en place de veille concurrentielle.



Suite à une rencontre préliminaire avec vous, nous proposons le recrutement de personnel à l’étranger pour assurer le succès de vos missions internationales. Que vous ayez besoin d’un développeur commercial, d’un directeur de pays ou d’un agent, nous effectuons une présélection rigoureuse des candidats et vous mettons en relation avec des profils biculturels.



Client Testimonials